Kansas GOP Insider (wannabe): Pinch Hitting Guest Post on Race, Voter Fraud, and Dishonest Media

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Pinch Hitting Guest Post on Race, Voter Fraud, and Dishonest Media

It's Illogical to Call Republicans Nazis

By: Anonymous

Racist: A person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.

The media, along with liberals and moderate republicans, do everything in their playbook to paint conservatives like Donald Trump as racist. They try to tie conservative ideals and policy to racism, and even worse to the Nazi party. In fact, they use the term racist so often that the term itself begins to lose meaning.

The requirement of photo ID to vote is painted as a racist policy. Why? Because the media and liberals have this outdated belief that someone a black person is either too poor or too uneducated to obtain a photo ID? That belief is more racist than having a policy in place that protects the vote of a person regardless of their race.

Kansas requires photo ID to vote, but unlike many other states, Kansas does not ask what someone’s race is when they register to vote. Why? Simply put, your race is irrelevant when it comes to your right to vote.

Requiring proof of citizenship to vote is apparently racist. Why? Because the media and left believe that a black person is too poor or uneducated to have access to their birth certificate. But they ignore the fact that if they wanted to follow through on their argument of someone being too poor or uneducated, the likelihood of that person living in the same state as they were born in is extremely high. Therefore that person wouldn’t even need to find their birth certificate, because if you were born in Kansas, the state is able to verify your citizenship for you for the purpose of voting.

Now, let’s move on to the charge of conservatives being Nazis. If the media and liberals would truly do their research, they would realize that a core belief of the Nazi Party was “common good before individual good.” That common theme is much closer to the platform of Bernie Sanders than of any conservative Republican.

Germany, under Hitler’s leadership, not only killed millions of Jews, they killed those the weakest among society. Similarly to those who believe we have the right to kill unborn children, which is eerily close to the praise the media gives to Iceland for nearly “eradicating” Down’s syndrome through abortion.

Hitler believed that any income that does not come from work, shall be abolished, therefore all financial trusts should become property of the government. This culminated in the punishment of death for anyone who did not work for the common good of the people. In other words, anyone who put their rights above the government’s was to be killed. And that right there, is one reason Hitler had a hatred for Jews. Yes, they were a different race, but many were the bankers and the wealthy in pre-WWII Germany. And the only way that Hitler would be able to have any power would be to eradicate those who held the ideal of individual rights above the idea that a government founded on the common good would give to a leader like Hitler.

The idea that a conservative, someone who is for individual rights and limited government, is somehow a Nazi or a racist is not only wrong; it is illogical.

1 comment:

  1. The reason some states ask the race of the registrant is because they have a long, long history of Jim Crow voting restrictions. And yeah, racism has lots to do with with why race is a question for some states. Racism that is alive and well today.
