Kansas GOP Insider (wannabe): Bob Dole in a wheelchair

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Bob Dole in a wheelchair

Just because Bob Dole advocates for something, that doesn't mean it's right or that it can't be questioned. Or that the opposition is extreme. And the fact that he's in a wheelchair doesn't mean his support of an issue deserves additional credence.

I do not know why this is so, so tricky to understand. But this is the world we live in. If someone has a sob story, we're supposed to just fall to our knees and agree with them. A cancer patient thinks the government should raise a sales tax solely for the purpose of cancer research? Well, if you oppose that on the the grounds of, and I'm just spitballing here, that cancer research really isn't the appropriate role of the government, you really just hate people with cancer and hope they die.

The vicious, stupid memes I've seen today in my Facebook feed, tell me that a whole lot of people deserve a sharp slap with a wet fish.

Here are a few reasons why not approving the U.N. Treaty on disability rights was the correct decision:

1. The treaty did not include a definition of "disabled." This means the term would be defined by a bunch of U.N. bureaucrats at a later date. These are the same fools who regularly call Israel a "terrorist nation" for having the gall to protect itself. We can't trust their judgment.

2. The treaty declares that the state is in charge of determining what is in the "best interests of the disabled child." Because that's worked sooooo well here with IEPs. (Ask the parent of a disabled child in the public schools how those IEPs are working out for them.) Now, instead of having some local person who you can sit across the table of in charge of the welfare of your child, you get some U.N. bureaucrat who may not even understand your culture making the decisions. This sounds like a real bang-up plan.

3. Speaking of cultures, one section of the treaty involves the "economic, social and cultural rights" of the disabled. I shudder to think what "social and cultural" rights even means.

4. The U.S. is already the worldwide leader in rights of the disabled, and this treaty does not bring other nations up to our standards. It just gives other nations a say in what we do. No thanks.

These are just a few of the concerns with the treaty. But there are also fiscal concerns. The treaty has some financial obligations that again, will do NOTHING to benefit any person in the U.S. -- except I guess the lucky chosen few who get to travel to Geneva once a year for a "conference" on the topic.

I apologize for the ranting nature of this post. It's here, because I just know the people blasting the Republicans for not falling to their knees in the presence of Kansas' Bob Dole have not read one single thing about what's in the actual treaty. Their knowledge is based solely on the fact that a man in a wheelchair advocated for it.

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