Kansas GOP Insider (wannabe): I am Sam. Sam I am.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

I am Sam. Sam I am.

Gov. Sam Brownback gave the State of the State Address last night. I didn't like it very much. (Full disclosure: I almost never like such speeches, because there's never any "meat" in them. Last night's was no different.) You can read the full text here.

I'll have more to say about it later when I have a few minutes. In the meantime, I leave you with this:

I am Sam

I am Sam
Sam I am

That Sam-I-am
That Sam-I-am!
I do not mind
that Sam-I-am

Do you like
sales taxes and spending, ma'am?

I do not like them,
I do not like
that taxing and spending, ma'am.

Would you like them
here or there?

I would not like them
here or there.
I would not like them
I do not like
taxing and spending, ma'am.
I do not like them,

Would you like taxes
on your house?
Would you like them
when you buy a blouse?

I do not like them
on my house.
I do not like them
when I buy a blouse.
I do not like them
here or there.
I do not like them
I do not like taxing and spending, ma'am.
I do not like them, Sam-I-am.

Would you pay taxes on a box?
Would you pay them
on a fox?

Would you? Could you?
On a car?
Pay them! Pay them!
Here they are.

You may like taxes.
You will see.
You may like them,
pay the fee.

I do not like taxes on a box.
I do not like them when I buy a fox
I do not like them on my house
I do mot like them when I buy a blouse
I do not like them here or there.
I do not like them anywhere.
I do not like taxing and spending, man.
I do not like them, Sam-I-am.

You do not like
green taxing and spending, ma'am?

I do not
like them,

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