Kansas GOP Insider (wannabe): How I Know This Report Is Bogus

Monday, April 4, 2016

How I Know This Report Is Bogus

Kansas' economy ranks 46th, according to a report by the State Policy Reports. The report ranked states based on personal income growth, employment growth and population growth. I think here is where I should note this story appeared in the Wichita Eagle on April  -- not April 1. 

That think tank's executive director describes herself as a vegan who recycles. That's her bio. I could probably stop right there. I'm not saying recycling vegans can't conduct reasonable research, but this report would suggest that's the case. Their intern hopes to find a full-time job saving the environment. This think tank definitely has a policy angle, and it's biggest advocacy is getting governments to spend more money.

California, which saw 5 million of its residents flee over the last decade, ranked second in the survey. The Golden State had a net loss of 1 million residents since 2002. It's hemorrhaging people.

Read more here: http://www.kansas.com/news/politics-government/article69776282.html#storylink=cpy

Michigan had the 18th best economy, according to the study. Have you been to Detroit since 1985? Yes, Michigan's employment picture has improved since hitting rock bottom at the height of the last economic downturn. But truly, this is a place that had nowhere to go but up. And Michigan owes a healthy dose of gratitude to the rest of the country for bailing out its faltering auto industry. 

I wouldn't buy anything this outfit is selling. Its end goal is getting states, local governments, and the feds to take more taxpayer money and spend it. Hard pass.

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