Kansas GOP Insider (wannabe): Swinging some questions around about Harold Lane

Monday, August 31, 2015

Swinging some questions around about Harold Lane

I did some asking around today about state Rep. Harold Lane. Lane, you'll recall -- or maybe you won't because it's barely been reported -- is the Democratic state representative who has an account on Ashley Madison, the adultery-seeking match making service.

The Cap-J discovered that Lane had account there, and then proceeded to ask Lane hard-hitting questions like, what's your favorite color? Do you like puppies? Do you sometimes use your state email address to swap forwards with your friends?

It was an awful story, in which the Cap J kind of mentioned off-hand Lane's Ashley Madison account so they could write an entire story about how people with state email addresses aren't supposed to be using them to cheat on their spouses. (Shame on Brownback for not policing state email addresses, better?? I think that was the point of the story.)

So I asked around. I was curious, was anyone surprised that Lane, married 42 years, was actively seeking a mistress? I got the same answer over and over and over again. Nope. 

And they shared another rumor that is just too salacious to share here.  Absolutely no one was surprised that Lane was looking to fill his dance card with another woman.

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